
Authentication Request Parameter Extensions for the Swedish OpenID Connect Profile

Version: 1.0 - 2023-12-11


This specification defines authentication request parameter extensions for the Swedish OpenID Connect Profile.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1. Requirements Notation and Conventions

    1.2. Conformance

  2. Authentication Request Parameter Extensions

    2.1. Client Provided User Message

    2.2. Requested Authentication Provider

  3. Discovery Parameters

    3.1. User Message Capabilities

    3.1.1. User Message Supported

    3.1.2. User Message Supported MIME Types

    3.2. Requested Authentication Provider Capabilities

  4. Normative References

1. Introduction

This specification defines authentication request parameter extensions for the Swedish OpenID Connect Profile. These parameters are OPTIONAL to support for both Relying Parties and OpenID Providers. The purpose of the request parameter extensions is to provide standardized solutions to commonly identified use cases, but support for any of these extensions are not needed to be compliant with the The Swedish OpenID Connect Profile, [OIDC.Sweden.Profile].

1.1. Requirements Notation and Conventions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

These keywords are capitalized when used to unambiguously specify requirements over protocol features and behavior that affect the interoperability and security of implementations. When these words are not capitalized, they are meant in their natural-language sense.

1.2. Conformance

This profile defines requirements for OpenID Connect Relying Parties (clients) and OpenID Providers (identity providers). Furthermore, it defines the interaction between a Relying Party and an OpenID Provider.

When a component compliant with this profile is interacting with other components compliant with this profile, all components MUST fully conform to the features and requirements of this specification. Any interaction with components that are not compliant with this profile is out of scope for this specification.

2. Authentication Request Parameter Extensions

This section defines authentication request parameters for some commonly identified use cases. The identifiers for all authentication request parameter extensions defined in this specification are prefixed with https://id.oidc.se/param.

2.1. Client Provided User Message

Parameter: https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage

Description: When the user message claim is included in an authentication request, the issuing client requests that the OpenID Provider displays this message to the client in conjunction with the user authentication.

Value type: The value for the user message request parameter claim is a JSON object1 with the following fields:

A requesting entity MAY include several message fields for different languages. This is done according to section 5.2 of [OpenID.Core], where a # sign is used to delimit the member name (message) from the language tag (see [RFC5646]). See the example below.

If the OpenID Provider has declared ui_locales_supported in its metadata (see section 3 of [OpenID.Discovery]) the client SHOULD restrict messages to the languages declared by the OP.

Requirements: An OpenID Provider MUST NOT display a "user message" unless the user is being authenticated. Thus, if the request contains the prompt parameter with the value none (see section 2.1.4 of [OIDC.Sweden.Profile]), the OpenID Provider MUST NOT display the user message.

This profile does not specify how the message should be displayed by the OpenID Provider, but if the display request parameter (see of [OpenID.Core]) is included in the request, and supported by the OP, the provider SHOULD display the user message according to the value of the display parameter.

The OpenID Provider MUST display the message matching the user interface locale that is in use. If no message matches that current locale the OP MUST choose the message without a given language tag if such a parameter is available. If no message parameter without a language tag is received, the OP MAY choose not to display any message, or select a message from the provided message parameters.

An OpenID Provider MUST refuse to display a message if it does not support a given MIME type.

Should a message contain illegal characters, or any other constructs not accepted by the provider, the OP MAY choose not to display the message, or filter the message before displaying it.

Example 1: No language is specified.

"https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage" : {  
  "message" : "<Base64-encoded message>",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain"

Example 2: Messages for different languages are specified.

"https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage" : {  
  "message#sv" : "<Base64-encoded message in Swedish>",
  "message#en" : "<Base64-encoded message in English>",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain"

[1]: The https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage parameter value is represented in an authentication request as UTF-8 encoded JSON (which ends up being form-urlencoded when passed as a parameter). When used in a Request Object value, per section 6.1 of [OpenID.Core], the JSON is used as the value of the https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage member.

[2]: The Markdown dialect, and potential restrictions for tags, is not regulated in this specification. However, the Markdown SHOULD NOT contain HTML-tags for security reasons.

2.2. Requested Authentication Provider

Parameter: https://id.oidc.se/param/authnProvider

Description: In cases where the OpenID Provider can delegate, or proxy, the user authentication to multiple authentication services, or if the OP offers multiple authentication mechanisms, the authnProvider request parameter MAY be used to inform the OP about which of the authentication services, or mechanisms, that the Relying Party requests the user to be authenticated at/with.

An OpenID Provider that offers several different mechanisms for end-user authentication normally displays a dialogue from where the user selects how to authenticate. When the authnProvider request parameter is used, this interaction may be skipped.

How possible values for this request parameter is announced by the OpenID Provider is out of scope for this specification.

Section 2.3.5 of [OIDC.Sweden.Claims] defines the claim https://id.oidc.se/claim/authnProvider that MAY be included in an ID Token by an OpenID Provider. The value of this claim can be used by the Relying Party to request re-authentication of an end-user. By assigning the value to the authnProvider request parameter, the RP requests that the user is authenticated using the same authentication mechanism that he or she originally was authenticated with.

Value type: String, preferably an URI

3. Discovery Parameters

This section defines OpenID Connect discovery identifiers that are used to announce support for the authentication request parameters defined in this specification. All these identifiers are prefixed with https://id.oidc.se/disco.

An OpenID Provider supporting any of the authentication request parameters defined in section 2 MUST include the corresponding discovery parameter value, defined below, in its discovery document.

3.1. User Message Capabilities

This profile defines two OpenID Discovery parameters that may be used by OpenID Providers to announce support for the https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage authentication request parameter, see section 2.1, Client Provided User Message, above.

3.1.1. User Message Supported

Parameter: https://id.oidc.se/disco/userMessageSupported

Description: A discovery parameter specifying whether the OpenID Provider supports the https://id.oidc.se/param/userMessage authentication request parameter, see section 2.1, Client Provided User Message, above.

Value type: Boolean

3.1.2. User Message Supported MIME Types

Parameter: https://id.oidc.se/disco/userMessageSupportedMimeTypes

Description: Holds the User Message MIME type(s) that is supported by the OpenID Provider. Its value is only relevant if https://id.oidc.se/disco/userMessageSupported is set to true (see above).

If this parameter is not set by the OP, a default of [ "text/plain" ] MUST be assumed.

Value type: A JSON array of strings

3.2. Requested Authentication Provider Capabilities

Parameter: https://id.oidc.se/disco/authnProviderSupported

Description: A discovery parameter specifying whether the OpenID Provider supports the https://id.oidc.se/param/authnProvider authentication request parameter, see section 2.2, Requested Authentication Provider.

Value type: Boolean

4. Normative References


Bradner, S., Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, March 1997.


Sakimura, N., Bradley, J., Jones, M., de Medeiros, B. and C. Mortimore, "OpenID Connect Core 1.0", August 2015.


Sakimura, N., Bradley, J., Jones, M. and E. Jay, "OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0", August 2015.


Phillips, A. and M. Davis, “Tags for Identifying Languages,” BCP 47, RFC 5646, September 2009.


The Swedish OpenID Connect Profile - Version 1.0.


Claims and Scopes Specification for the Swedish OpenID Connect Profile - Version 1.0.